          Go to hell all USA sucking official How could anyone have that heartless to abuse the official power to that hair standing point.Therefore, I realized how come 賣房子Bush (Therefore, I realized that Bush so called the war on Terrors indeed 婚禮顧問 his crime of Chinese said "做賊喊捉賊"; there's terrors, but not TAliban, not Bin Lad 個人信貸en, not Iran, it is Bill Clinton, it is Hillary Clinton, it is Condi Rice, it is evil doer "Shower.Ren" "腳.Tar.Lian 網路行銷g.Tyao.Chwon" Dick Morris who owned "" and more that unknown by me ) Cheney willing to allow Obama Biden moved into White House illeg 情趣用品ally, because Condi Rice and Hillary Clinton indeed committed the evilest terrorist crimes around the globe not only in that bomb to China Communist office in 吳哥窟Yugoslavia, not only that bomb of "1988 killing of 270 people in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103", not only those 9.11.2001 airplane bombs inside USA, not only bombed that Korean airpla 烤肉食材ne on the USSR air, but also killed many warrors like Israel Sharon, but also many civilians like me, they tried to killed me unknown times but failed is a openly secret in the internatioanl spy world, 情趣用品therefore, they sold out White House to Obama Biden in exchange of Condi Rice to wear the form of Sotomayor to get into US Supreme Court to abuse the US Supreme Court for her selfish interests, Hillary Clinton to seat in the 結婚US Secretary head to keep enlarge their evilest terrorist force around the globe like you may heard how low dare not say no.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租房子  .

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